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HeXHub HeXHub Ban time or banlist seems to be broken

When I use following kick command in HeXHub 5.12:

[command] !kick TestNick Some reason _ban1_43200m

User TestNick gets kicked and banned, but when I then look in banlist, I see following:

[command] !banlist
Pos.    Level    Remaining time        Target            Reason
0    1 (21)    0000-00-00 10:01:36    IP:        <MyNick> Some reason

I asked the hub to set ban time for 43200 minutes = 30 days, not for ~10 hours. Similar thing happens when I ban someone using HexScript plugin and user:BanNickIP("Some reason _ban1_",43200*60) function:

[command] !banlist
Pos.    Level    Remaining time        Target            Reason
0    1 (21)    0000-00-00 00:02:59    IP:        <BotNick> Some reason _ban1_

I asked the hub to set ban time for 43200 * 60 seconds = 30 days, not for ~3 minutes.
Posted by RoLex on 2014-09-24 16:03


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